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Madero Therapy / Anti-Cellulite Massage
The Effective Firming Method from South America
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Madero Therapy / Anti-Cellulite Massage
For Beautiful and Firm Skin
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Madero Therapy / Anti-Cellulite Massage

The Well-Known Firming and Anti-Cellulite Method from South America

The Madero Therapy is a natural, non-invasive massage technique originating from South America. It is based on the use of anatomically crafted wooden elements, allowing for intense pressure on the connective tissue. This stimulates the lymphatic system to remove toxins accumulated in the body. The massage technique involves series of movements with various wooden elements, promoting fat burning and counteracting cellulite deposits and orange peel skin. Compared to device-based anti-cellulite treatments, this massage technique is highly effective in eliminating water retention, reducing cellulite, and reactivating lymphatic flow. Madero Therapy is now well-known and rightly so, as there is no massage that combats cellulite so effectively and efficiently, especially in such a short time.

How Many Therapies are Necessary to See Results?

Every individual is unique. Experiences have shown that initial results are slightly noticeable after the first session, and significant results can be seen after 4-6 sessions. To achieve a lasting effect, 10 sessions are recommended. Therefore, we recommend undergoing Madero Therapy in a package of 10 sessions.

Advantages and Results

On the Body

  • Stimulation of the entire body’s energy flow
  • Reduction of cellulite/orange peel skin
  • Beautiful, firm skin texture
  • Stimulation of the lymphatic system and metabolism
  • Detoxification
  • Stimulation of fat burning
  • Reduction of body volume
  • Definition and firming of the body
  • Relaxation of body and mind
  • Enhancement of well-being and self-confidence


Single Sessions

10-Session Package (15% Savings)


Madero Therapy is suitable for every adult, except for:

  • Infectious diseases
  • Skin diseases
  • Fungal diseases
  • Fever
  • Acute vascular and lymphatic inflammations
  • Varicose veins, venous inflammations, thromboses
  • Fresh and open wounds
  • Acne (face)
  • During pregnancy and breastfeeding
  • For epileptics
  • Gangrene (diabetic patients)
  • Severe mental disorders
  • Heart diseases
  • Cancer

Cellulite - Mostly a Women's Issue

Connective tissue is structured differently in men and women. In women, it runs parallel, while in men, it is net-like, making male tissue more stable. Additionally, women have about twice as many fat cells as men, which can fill up and become visible as cellulite in weaker connective tissue. Madero Therapy increases blood flow in connective tissue and stimulates metabolism. Our therapists at Sakura Spa St. Gallen specifically target fat deposits and unsightly dimples. This detoxifying treatment is excellent for freeing connective tissue from old burdens and water retention. Pressure techniques are used to release adhesions in the tissue and stimulate circulation and lymphatic flow. Madero Therapy at Sakura Spa is a fantastic choice if you want to reshape your body, achieve firm skin, and get rid of cellulite. Book your first treatment now; you’ll be surprised.

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