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Fruit Acid Treatment - Chemical Peeling
A fruit acid peel works with alpha-hydroxy acids, abbreviated as AHA or fruit acids. A fruit acid peel can effectively treat various skin problems, including pigmentation issues, acne, acne scars, wrinkles, enlarged pores, or a dull complexion. The fruit acid peel improves your skin immediately after the first application. A chemical peel involves an acid treatment where the superficial layers of the skin are removed. The strong stimulus stimulates the skin, replacing the removed layers with new ones. As a result, the skin appears fresher, clearer, smoother, plumper, and more even. Our skincare specialists at Sakura Spa provide individualized advice tailored to your specific problems and needs.können mehrere Hautprobleme effetiv behandelt werden. Seien es Pigmente, Akne, Aknemale oder -narben, Falten, vergrösserte Poren oder ein fahler Hautton – das Fruchtsäurepeeling verbessert Ihr Hautbild sofort nach der ersten Anwendung. Bei einem chemischen Peeling handelt es sich um eine Säurebehandlung, bei der die oberflächlichen Hautschichten entfernt werden, durch den starken Reiz wird die Haut angeregt und ersetzt die entfernten Hautschichten durch neue. Dadurch wirkt die Haut frischer, klarer, glatter, praller und ebenmässiger. Unsere Kosmetikspezialistinnen im Sakura Spa beraten Sie individuell auf Ihre Problem und Ihre Bedürfnisse abgestimmt.
What to Consider After the Fruit Acid Treatment
- Redness may occur after the treatment, which will subside after a few hours.
- The skin may peel.
- The skin regenerates 3 – 5 days after peeling and renews itself.
- Light sensitivity is increased, apply at least SPF 50 sunscreen.
- Avoid performing peels at home afterward.
- Use high-quality moisturizing products for skincare.
Fruit Acid Treatment - Contraindications
Consult with our skincare specialists at Sakura Spa to determine the right treatment for you. Acid treatment or chemical peeling may not be suitable or only partially suitable for the following skin conditions:
- Local hyperpigmentation may occur in dark skin types.
- Dermatological conditions.
- Skin damage due to medications, chemotherapy, illness.
- Wounds, open skin areas.
- Sensitive, irritated skin.
- Sunburn, inflammation.