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Waxing - Hair removal with wax
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Waxing - Hair removal with wax

Velvety, smooth skin without shaving

Do you want smooth and soft legs without having to shave every day? Then hair removal with warm wax at Sakura Spa is just right for you. We offer professional hair removal for both women and men. Waxing is considered one of the most thorough methods of hair removal—and the most skin-friendly. Our high-quality wax is gentle, skin-friendly, and suitable for the thorough depilation of all body regions. In contrast to shaving, waxing removes the hair along with the root. Regular waxing slows down hair growth, and the regrowing hairs are thinner, softer, and less noticeable. Waxing is no longer exclusively for women—more and more men enjoy being hair-free and well-groomed.

Information about Waxing

Please note the following so that the skin and wax can harmonize well. The wax must be able to grip the hair to remove it thoroughly.

Therefore, it’s better not to:

  • apply lotion shortly before
  • appear sweaty
  • have been in direct sunlight or a tanning bed on the same day

It is beneficial to do a stronger exfoliation 1-2 days before the waxing appointment to remove old skin flakes and allow even small, fine hairs to «stand free.»

How short or long should the hair ideally be for waxing?

At least 4 mm. It’s better to be «terribly» long than too short.
Let your hair grow a bit longer so that the waxing treatment can be as thorough as possible. Unfortunately, hair does not always grow evenly, so some hairs are often shorter and less easy to remove if the desired length of about 4 mm has not been reached. The longer the hair, the better the waxing.

How long will you be hair-free?

Depending on the hair type, on average, 2-5 weeks.
The information for hair thickness at a specific body location is stored in the hair follicle. Body hair is evolutionarily seen as protection for our skin organ, but modern aesthetic sensibilities strive for a hair-free body. If you have been shaving until now, your hair follicles are still strong, and the hair will likely regrow relatively soon after the first waxing. However, it regrows with a soft tip first, creating a softer feel than after shaving, where initial stubble is quickly perceived as bristly. After repeated waxing, the hair grows back permanently finer and becomes sparser. The hair follicle essentially gives up at some point, bringing you closer to your goal of a permanently hair-free feeling with each waxing.

Waxing Prices

Upper lip 24.50
Eyebrows and upper lip55.00
Eyebrows, upper lip, chin67.00
Chin or cheeks30.00
Upper lip, chin, cheeks67.00
Eyebrows, upper lip, chin, cheeks75.00
Nose or ears20.00
Arms half55.00
Arms full80.00
Legs half65.00
Legs full90.00
Classic bikini60.00
Brazilian bikini79.00
Shoulders / Back85.00
Chest / Abdomen85.00

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